The Polygon Gallery’s Endowment Fund provides steady income and enables the organization to advance its mission over the long-term. It is a permanent fund that is invested, and The Polygon Gallery receives an annual distribution from the investment income, while the original capital remains intact. This means that the Fund  supports The Polygon’s activities in perpetuity.

You can make a permanent investment in The Polygon’s future by leaving a legacy gift to the Endowment Fund, which will provide generations to come with access to transformative art experiences.

We would be very pleased to hear from you if you have decided to leave a legacy gift to The Polygon Gallery, or if you would like to discuss your options.

A charitable bequest in your Will can provide a specific dollar amount, a percentage of your Estate, or a gift of the residue.

As The Polygon’s Endowment Fund is managed by the Vancouver Foundation, the following samples provide direction about appropriate wording for legacy gifts.

Sample Will clause:

  • To give [$___ / ___% / the residue] of my Estate to Vancouver Foundation, charitable registration #11928 1640 RR0001, to be added to The Polygon Gallery Endowment Fund.

When designating The Polygon Gallery as a beneficiary for gifts of an RRSP, RRIF or TSFAs, please use the following:

  • Vancouver Foundation, to be added to The Polygon Gallery Endowment Fund.

For further information, please contact Andrea Jensen,
Senior Development Manager, at 604.986.1351 or by email at

Image: © Amy Romer